Thursday, 10 January 2013


                                                                         By Dr.Mahendra Gaikwad  M.D.(Homoeo)
These modern days life has changed ,behavior pattern of people has changed, every one is expecting success through short way .life has become mechanical,routine. life expectancy is increasing ,inmost countries greater no of people are living to older ages and are at great risk of chronic diseases like cancer.Cigarette smoking, drinking wine,gutakha and tobacco chewing has become order of the day as if life is incomplete without these. This has given birth to dozens of non communicable diseases among them cancer is one a leading cause of death. Cancer affects all the most communities worldwide.
In developed countries from Europe and North America continent about 70 -75% of total death are of cancer. There are about 10 million people diagnose with cancer and more than 6 million people die due to cancer every year. by 2000 there were 22.4 million people living with cancer. there is 20% increase in the incidence rates of cancer in last one decade (from 1990-2000).The most common cancer among all cancer is lung cancer ( 12.3% ),breast cancer ( 10.4% ),colorectal cancer ( 9.4% ) lung cancer causes most of the death from all cancers ( 1.1 million  ) worldwide. The top three cancers causes death are lung, stomach & liver cancer. Predominance of lung,stomach,oesaphagus,liver,bladder cancer are common in male.   
Cancer is regarded as  group of diseases charecterised by an (a) abnormal growth of cells (b) ability to invade nearest tissue and remote organs as well (c) eventual death of affected patient if tumor has progressed beyond stage and has potential to affect any site or tissue  of the body ,any type of cell can be involved.
There are three types of cancer  (a) Carcinoma-from internal surface epithelial cells ex.mouth,oesaphagus, stomach,instestine,uterus (b) Sarcoma-which arises from mesoderm cells constituting connective tissue ex.fiberous tissue, fats and bones (c) Lymphomas- from cells of bone marrow and cells of immune system. The burden of cancer is highest in effluent countries mainly due to high incidences of tumors associated with smoking and modern life style ex. cancer of breast,colorectum ,prostate. in developing countries about 25% of tumors are associated with chronic infection, hepatitis B-liver cancer, human papiloma virus-cervical cancer ,helicobacter pylori-stomach cancer.
In India cancer related data provides by ICMR ( Indian Council For Medical Research),In India about 2-2.5million people are living with cancer, about 7-9 lakh people diagnosed as a new cancer cases & half of them die due to cancer die due cancer every year. The four most frequent cancers in India in male are mouth, oesaphagus, stomach & lower

respiratory tract cancer, for women cancer of cervix,breast,mouth & oesaphgus.Tobacco is major cause of cancer in India.
Oral cancer incidences are about 5,75000 and 3,35000 death occurs due to oral cancer worldwide ,cancer of cervix is second most common cancer among women .high incidences are recorded at the age of 25 to 45 years ,early marriages ,genital warts,widowed,divorced or separated or  having multiple partners are causes of cervical cancer. Breast cancer cause of death in middle aged women ,about 5,19000 deaths caused due to breast cancer worldwide.
Cancer is multifactorial disease, about 80 to 90% cancers caused due to environmental factors among them are Tobacco-use of tobacco in smoking and chewing is the major cause of cancer of lungs, larynx, mouth,pharynx,oesaphagus. More
than one million premature deaths are caused due cigarette smoking.Alcohol-3% of death due to alcohol induced cancers, colorectal cancer is common in bear drinkers. Alcoholic beverages is associated with liver cancer Dietary fibers-Lack of dietary fibers intake causes stomach,oesaphagus,intestine cancer particularly smoked fish,fats,beef consumers. Bowel and breast cancer is common in fat consumers. Exposure to toxins-benzene,arsenic,cadmium,chromium,vinyl chloride, asbestos.1 to 5% of human cancer due to above exposure. Viruses-Hepatitis B infection induces hepatocellular cancer ,Kaposi sarcoma due to HIV infection HIV infection induces ,non Hodgkin lymphoma,Epson barr virus induces stomach cancer.Human papilloma virus can cause cancer of cervix.Parasite-Schistosomosis can cause cancer of bladder.Custom habbits and lifestyle-Change of lifestyle like smoking,tobacco chewing increases risk of cancer.Other Causes-Radiation,water pollution,medication like oral contraceptive pills are more or less resoponsible to cause cancer .
Genetic factors-Heredity is considered as cause  cancer ex.leucamia is common in mongol.
To patient and  doctors even cancer gives an impression of being most terrible scourge,which is fatal, pitiless irremediable as soon as it fixes signature on human being. That isn’t always so. We should look after morale of the patient,we should not  letting them know their disease,we should keep them away from moral and emotional shocks. Various therapeutic system been applied in indisputable cases of cancers .Advancing knowledge has been increased understanding about cancer ,in the strategy of prevention of cancer causative factors should be controlled, among these are control of tobacco chewing, alcohol consumtion,radiation effects should be controlled. Protective measure should taken particularly in cases of chemical exposure.Immunisation of hepatitis B patient with hepatitis vaccine. People in the community should properly educated with knowledge of cancer particularly danger sings of cancer like lump or hardness in breast, a
change in warts or moles, continuous cough and hoarseness, excessive blood loss during menses, blood loss from natural orifices, change in digestive and bowel habbits,incurable soreness. Diet of cancer patient –Plenty of food rich in vitamins, protein poor in spices and nitrogenous elements should be given .Patient should be weighted every week ,Therapies like homoeopathy has not only regress the malignancy tendency but tumors are disappeared. This is possible only when patient will take pure homoeopathic medication.
Precancerous  stage should be prevented with proper homoeopathic medication by giving importance to family history of cancer of the patient.
Patient should encouraged and advised to learn and practice such a techniques which can cool down their temperament,anxety and fear of fatality of the disease like Vipassana Meditation, along with this patient should advoised to take regular exercise.

                                 Dr.Mahendra Gaikwad  M.D.(Hom)

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